Expression Tree – BiTree’s application
本文最后更新于 887 天前,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。 / This article was last updated 887 days ago and the information in it may have evolved or changed.


An expression can be converted to a tree, when every operator in the expression is binocular. One who is familiar with Mathematica may also know Mathematica expressions are all pre-order expressions.

PreOrder expressions in mma

This cpp program is used to read a expression and convert to a tree in memory, and calculate its value by means of the tree.


#ifndef LINK_QUEUE_H
 * =====================================================================================
 *       Filename:  Link-Queue.h
 *    Description: Implement a link queue in C. 
 *        Version:  1.0
 *        Created:  2021/10/20 23:22:12
 *       Compiler:  gcc
 *         Author:  CuSO4_Deposit (Depoze),



typedef int Status;
typedef union{
    float Number;
    char Operator;
typedef struct{
    bool tag;
    OpElem Elem;
typedef struct QNode{
    QElemtype data;
    struct QNode* next;
typedef struct{
    QNode* front;
    QNode* rear;

// Function Declaration
Status InitQueue(LinkQueue& Q);
Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue& Q);
Status ClearQueue(LinkQueue& Q);
bool QueueEmpty(LinkQueue Q);
int QueueLength(LinkQueue Q);
Status GetHead(LinkQueue Q, QElemtype& e);
Status EnQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype e);
Status DeQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype& e);
Status QueueTraverse(LinkQueue Q, Status (*Visit)(QNode*));
Status TestTraverse(QNode* n);

// Function Implement

Status InitQueue(LinkQueue& Q){
    * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
    *         Name:  InitQueue
    *  Description:  Initialize a Queue. Will allocate memory for pointers.
    * =====================================================================================
    Q.front = (QNode*)malloc(sizeof(QNode));
    if(!Q.front)    return FAILURE;
    Q.rear = Q.front;
    return SUCCESS;

Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue& Q) {
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  DestroyQueue
     *  Description:  Destroy a Queue. Free all the pointers.
     * =====================================================================================
    if (!ClearQueue(Q))  return FAILURE;
    free(Q.rear);   Q.rear = NULL;  //Q.rear and Q.front must point to the 
    Q.front = NULL;                 // same address, free once.        
    return SUCCESS;

Status ClearQueue(LinkQueue& Q){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  ClearQueue
     *  Description:  Clear Q to an emply queue.
     * =====================================================================================
    QElemtype temp;
        if(!DeQueue(Q, temp))   return FAILURE;
    return SUCCESS;

int QueueLength(LinkQueue Q){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  QueueLength
     *  Description:  return the number of nodes in Q.
     * =====================================================================================
    int counter = 0;
    QNode* cur = Q.front;
    while((cur = cur->next))
    return counter;

bool QueueEmpty(LinkQueue Q){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  QueueEmpty
     *  Description:  return TRUE if Q is empty; else return FALSE.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(Q.front->next == NULL)   return TRUE;
    else return FALSE;

Status GetHead(LinkQueue Q, QElemtype& e){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  GetHead
     *  Description:  return the first element in Q with e.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(QueueEmpty(Q))   return FAILURE;
    e = (Q.front->next)->data;
    return SUCCESS;

Status EnQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype e){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  EnQueue
     *  Description:  insert e to Queue ('s rear).
     * =====================================================================================
    QNode* NewNodePtr = (QNode*)malloc(sizeof(QNode));
    if(!NewNodePtr) return FAILURE;
    NewNodePtr -> data = e;
    NewNodePtr -> next = NULL;
    Q.rear -> next = NewNodePtr;
    Q.rear = NewNodePtr;
    return SUCCESS;

Status DeQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype& e) {
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  DeQueue
     *  Description:  Delete the first element in Q after assigning it to e.
     * =====================================================================================
    if (QueueEmpty(Q))   return FAILURE;
    e = (Q.front->next)->data;
    QNode* FreeHere = Q.front->next;
    if (FreeHere == Q.rear)  Q.rear = Q.front;
    Q.front->next = FreeHere->next;
    free(FreeHere); FreeHere = NULL;
    return SUCCESS;

Status QueueTraverse(LinkQueue Q, Status (*Visit(QNode*))){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  QueueTraverse
     *  Description:  Traverse Q. To each QNode n, do "Visit(&n);".
     * =====================================================================================
    QNode* TraversePtr = Q.front;
    while((TraversePtr = TraversePtr -> next))
        if(!Visit(TraversePtr)) return FAILURE;
    return SUCCESS;

Status TestTraverse(QNode* n){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  TestTraverse
     *  Description:  a test function for QueueTraverse().
     * =====================================================================================
    printf("%c\n", n->data);
    return SUCCESS;

//suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value/
#endif //#ifndef LINK_QUEUE_H

 * =====================================================================================
 *       Filename:  Sequence Stack.h
 *    Description: Implement sequence stack in C. 
 *        Version:  1.0
 *        Created:  2021/9/29 23:31:18
 *       Revision:  none
 *       Compiler:  gcc
 *         Author:  CuSO4_Deposit (Depoze),


 InitialSize 50
 IncrementSize 10

typedef int Status;
typedef float SElemtype;
typedef struct {
	SElemtype* base;
	SElemtype* top;
	int Stacksize;

//Function Declaration
Status InitStack(SqStack& S);
Status DestroyStack(SqStack& S);
Status ClearStack(SqStack& S);
bool StackEmpty(SqStack S);
int StackLength(SqStack S);
Status GetTop(SqStack S, SElemtype& e);
Status StackIncrease(SqStack& S);
Status Push(SqStack& S, SElemtype e);
Status Pop(SqStack& S, SElemtype& e);
Status StackTraverse(SqStack S, Status(*Visit)(SElemtype*));
Status Visit(SElemtype* VisitPtr);

//Function Implement
Status InitStack(SqStack& S) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	S.base = (SElemtype*)malloc(InitialSize * sizeof(SElemtype)); = S.base;
	S.Stacksize = InitialSize;
	return SUCCESS;

Status DestroyStack(SqStack& S) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	free(S.base); = NULL; S.base = NULL;
	S.Stacksize = 0;
	return SUCCESS;

Status ClearStack(SqStack& S) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	*/ = S.base;
	return SUCCESS;

bool StackEmpty(SqStack S) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: 0:false; 1:true.
	if ( == S.base)	return TRUE;
	else return FALSE;

int StackLength(SqStack S) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: the number of elem in S.
	return - S.base;

Status GetTop(SqStack S, SElemtype& e) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* Postcondition: return the top elem with e.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	e = *( - 1);
	return SUCCESS;

Status StackIncrease(SqStack& S) {
	* Precondition: S exists, S is full.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	SElemtype* newptr = (SElemtype*)realloc(S.base, (S.Stacksize + IncrementSize) * sizeof(SElemtype));
	if (!newptr) { 
		printf("Error reallocating space."); 
		return FAILURE; 
	S.base = newptr; = S.base + S.Stacksize;
	S.Stacksize = S.Stacksize + IncrementSize;
	return SUCCESS;

Status Push(SqStack& S, SElemtype e) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	if (StackLength(S) == S.Stacksize)	StackIncrease(S);
	*( = e;
	return SUCCESS;

Status Pop(SqStack& S, SElemtype& e) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	e = *;
	return SUCCESS;

Status StackTraverse(SqStack S, Status (*Visit)(SElemtype*)) {
	* Precondition: S exists.
	* return value: 0:failure; 1:success.
	SElemtype* TraversePtr = S.base;
	while (TraversePtr != 
		if (!Visit(TraversePtr++))	return FAILURE;
	return SUCCESS;

Status Visit(SElemtype* VisitPtr) {
	//An example of Visit function used in StackTraverse function.
	printf("%c\n", *VisitPtr);
	return SUCCESS;

//int main()
#endif //#ifndef SEQUENCE_STACK_H
 * =====================================================================================
 *       Filename:  BiTree.h
 *    Description:  Implemrnt a BiTree in C.
 *        Version:  1.0
 *        Created:  2021/10/21 18:21:42
 *       Revision:  none
 *       Compiler:  gcc
 *         Author:  CuSO4_Deposit (Depoze),
#ifndef BITREE_H


typedef int Status;
typedef char TElemtype;
typedef struct BiTNode{
    TElemtype data;
    struct BiTNode* lchild;
    struct BiTNode* rchild;

typedef BiTNode* QElemtype; 
typedef struct QNode{
    QElemtype data;
    struct QNode* next;
typedef struct{
    QNode* front;
    QNode* rear;

// Queue Function Declaration
Status InitQueue(LinkQueue& Q);
Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue& Q);
bool QueueEmpty(LinkQueue Q);
Status ClearQueue(LinkQueue& Q);
Status EnQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype e);
Status DeQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype& e);

// Function Declaration
Status InitBiTree(BiTNode* T);
Status DestroyBiTree(BiTNode*& T); 
Status ClearBiTree(BiTNode*& T);
Status CreateBiTree(BiTNode*& T);
bool BiTreeEmpty(BiTNode* T);
int BiTreeDepth(BiTNode* T);
TElemtype Value(BiTNode* T);
Status Assign(BiTNode* T, TElemtype e);
BiTNode* Parent(BiTNode* T);
BiTNode* LeftChild(BiTNode* T);
BiTNode* RightChild(BiTNode* T);
Status InsertChild(BiTNode* T, int LR, TElemtype Value);
Status DeleteChild(BiTNode*& T, int LR);
Status PostorderTraverse(BiTNode* T, Status (*visit)(BiTNode*));
Status LevelorderTraverse(BiTNode* T, Status (*visit)(BiTNode*));

Status InitQueue(LinkQueue& Q){
    * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
    *         Name:  InitQueue
    *  Description:  Initialize a Queue. Will allocate memory for pointers.
    * =====================================================================================
    Q.front = (QNode*)malloc(sizeof(QNode));
    if(!Q.front)    return FAILURE;
    Q.front->next = NULL;
    Q.rear = Q.front;
    return SUCCESS;

Status DestroyQueue(LinkQueue& Q){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  DestroyQueue
     *  Description:  Destroy a Queue. Free all the pointers.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(!ClearQueue(Q))  return FAILURE;
    free(Q.rear);   Q.rear = NULL;  //Q.rear and Q.front must point to the 
    Q.front = NULL;                 // same address, free once.        
    return SUCCESS;

Status ClearQueue(LinkQueue& Q){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  ClearQueue
     *  Description:  Clear Q to an emply queue.
     * =====================================================================================
    QElemtype temp;
        if(!DeQueue(Q, temp))   return FAILURE;
    return SUCCESS;

Status EnQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype e){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  EnQueue
     *  Description:  insert e to Queue ('s rear).
     * =====================================================================================
    QNode* NewNodePtr = (QNode*)malloc(sizeof(QNode));
    if(!NewNodePtr) return FAILURE;
    NewNodePtr -> data = e;
    NewNodePtr -> next = NULL;
    Q.rear -> next = NewNodePtr;
    Q.rear = NewNodePtr;
    return SUCCESS;

Status DeQueue(LinkQueue& Q, QElemtype& e){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  DeQueue
     *  Description:  Delete the first element in Q after assigning it to e.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(QueueEmpty(Q))   return FAILURE;
    e = (Q.front -> next) -> data;
    QNode* FreeHere = Q.front -> next;
    if (FreeHere == Q.rear)  Q.rear = Q.front;
    Q.front -> next = FreeHere -> next;
    free(FreeHere); FreeHere = NULL;
    return SUCCESS;

bool QueueEmpty(LinkQueue Q){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  QueueEmpty
     *  Description:  return TRUE if Q is empty; else return FALSE.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(Q.front->next == NULL)   return TRUE;
    else return FALSE;
Status InitBiTree(BiTNode* T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  InitBiTree
     *  Description:  Initialize a BiTree, assigning NULL to pointers.
     * =====================================================================================
    T->lchild = NULL;
    T->rchild = NULL;
    return SUCCESS;

Status DestroyBiTree(BiTNode*& T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  DestroyBiTree
     *  Description:  free memory.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(!T) return SUCCESS;
    free(T); T = NULL;
    return SUCCESS;

Status PostorderTraverse(BiTNode* T, Status (*visit)(BiTNode*)){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  PostorderTraverse
     *  Description:  Postorfer traverse a tree. to each node N. execute visit(N);
     * =====================================================================================
    if(!T)  return SUCCESS;
    PostorderTraverse(T->lchild, visit);
    PostorderTraverse(T->rchild, visit);
    return SUCCESS;

Status ClearBiTree(BiTNode*& T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  ClearBiTree
     *  Description:  Delete all son nodes, T becomes an empty tree.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(!T) return SUCCESS;
    DeleteChild(T, 0);
    DeleteChild(T, 1);
    return SUCCESS;

Status CreateBiTree(BiTNode*& T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  CreateBiTree
     *  Description:  input a preorder traverse sequence, replace empty tree with '#'.
     *                  Function will create a BiTree with T as its root.
     * =====================================================================================
    char temp = '0';
    if (temp == '#'){
        T = NULL;
        return SUCCESS;
        if(!(T = (BiTNode*)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode)))) return FAILURE;
        T->data = temp;
    return SUCCESS; //Invalid. just for fixing warning.

TElemtype Value(BiTNode* T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  Value
     *  Description:  return the data of T.
     * =====================================================================================
    return T->data;

Status Assign(BiTNode* T, TElemtype e){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  Assign
     *  Description:  assign e to T->data.
     * =====================================================================================
    if(!T)  return FAILURE;
    T->data = e;
    return SUCCESS;

Status DeleteChild(BiTNode*& T, int LR){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  DeleteChlid
     *  Description:  Delete the child of a node. L = 0; R = 1.
     * =====================================================================================
        if(!T->rchild)  return SUCCESS;
        free(T->rchild);    T->rchild = NULL;
    else{   //LR = 1
        if(!T->lchild)  return SUCCESS;
        free(T->lchild);    T->lchild = NULL; 
    return SUCCESS;

Status InsertChild(BiTNode* T, int LR, TElemtype ChildData){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  InsertChild
     *  Description:  insert a child to this root. L = 0, R = 1.
     *                  if the place has already got a child, return FALSE. 
     * =====================================================================================
        if(T->rchild)   return FAILURE;
        BiTNode* temp = (BiTNode*)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode));
        temp->data = ChildData;
        temp->lchild = NULL; temp->rchild = NULL;
        T->rchild = temp;
    else{   //LR = 1
        if(T->lchild)   return FAILURE;
        BiTNode* temp = (BiTNode*)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode));
        temp->data = ChildData;
        temp->lchild = NULL; temp->rchild = NULL;
        T->lchild = temp;
    return SUCCESS;

bool BiTreeEmpty(BiTNode* T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  BiTreeEmpty
     *  Description:  if BiTree is empty, return TRUE, else return FALSE.
     * =====================================================================================
   if(T)    return TRUE;
   else return FALSE;

int BiTreeDepth(BiTNode* T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  BiTreeDepth
     *  Description:  return the depth of bitree. (the depth of only a root is 1)
     * =====================================================================================
    if(!T)  return 0;
    int lDepth = BiTreeDepth(T->lchild);
    int rDepth = BiTreeDepth(T->rchild);
    return lDepth < rDepth
        ? rDepth + 1
        : lDepth + 1;

Status LevelorderTraverse(BiTNode* T, Status (*visit)(BiTNode*)){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  LevelorderTraverse
     *  Description:  Traverse in level order, based on queue.
     * =====================================================================================
    LinkQueue Q;
    QElemtype Processing;
    if(!T)  return SUCCESS;
    EnQueue(Q, T);
    while (!QueueEmpty(Q)){
        DeQueue(Q, Processing);
        if(!visit(Processing))  return FAILURE;
        if(Processing->lchild)  EnQueue(Q, Processing->lchild);
        if(Processing->rchild)  EnQueue(Q, Processing->rchild);

    return SUCCESS;

BiTNode* Parent(BiTNode* T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  Parent
     *  Description:  if T has parent return its parent, else return NULL.
     * =====================================================================================
    LinkQueue Q;
    QElemtype Processing;
    while (!QueueEmpty(Q)){
        DeQueue(Q, Processing);
        if(Processing->lchild == T || Processing->rchild == T)  return Processing;
        if(Processing->lchild)  EnQueue(Q, Processing->lchild);
        if(Processing->rchild)  EnQueue(Q, Processing->rchild);
    return NULL;

BiTNode* LeftChild(BiTNode* T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  LeftChild
     *  Description:  return the address of T's left child. if it doesn't have one, return NULL.
     * =====================================================================================
    return T->lchild;

BiTNode* RightChild(BiTNode* T){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  RightChild
     *  Description:  return the address of T's right child. if it doesn't have one, return NULL.
     * =====================================================================================
    return T->rchild;

#endif  //  #ifndef BITREE_H 

 * =====================================================================================
 *       Filename:  ExpressionTree.cpp
 *    Description:  Using tree structure to calculate expressions.
 *        Version:  1.0
 *        Created:  2021/11/4 23:13:44
 *       Revision:  none
 *       Compiler:  gcc
 *         Author:  CuSO4_Deposit (Depoze),

Status Expression2Queue(LinkQueue& Q){
     * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
     *         Name:  InputData
     *  Description:  input a unit of expression, this function will recognize its 
     *                  type, tag it and insert it into queue Q.
     * =====================================================================================
    bool flag = 0;
    float num = 0; float dec = 1; bool point = 0;
    char* expression = (char*)malloc(50 * sizeof(char));
//  std::cin >> expression;  // cin automatically ends input when reads <space>.
    fgets(expression, 49, stdin);
    char* charptr = expression;
            if(*charptr == '#'){
                flag = 1;
                    *charptr == '+' ||
                    *charptr == '-' ||
                    *charptr == '*' ||
                    *charptr == '/' 
                QElemtype Processing;
                Processing.tag = 0;
                Processing.Elem.Operator = *charptr;
                EnQueue(Q, Processing);
                charptr++;  break;
            if(*charptr >= '0' && *charptr <= '9' && point == 0){
                num *= 10;
                num += (*charptr - 0x30);
            if(*charptr == '.') point = 1;
            if(*charptr >= '0' && *charptr <= '9' && point == 1){
                dec /= 10;
                num += (*charptr - 0x30) * dec;
            if(charptr[1] < '0' || charptr[1] > '9')
                if((point == 1) || (point == 0 && charptr[1] != '.')){
                    QElemtype Processing;
                    Processing.tag = 1;
                    Processing.Elem.Number = num;
                    EnQueue(Q, Processing);
                    num = 0; dec = 1; point = 0;
                    charptr++; charptr++; break;    //skip the space behind the number
    return SUCCESS;

Status CalculateVisit(BiTNode* T, SqStack& S) {
    if (T->data->tag == 0) {
        float num = 0;
        float Operand1 = 0; float Operand2 = 0;
        Pop(S, Operand1);   Pop(S, Operand2);
        switch (T->data->Elem.Operator)
        case '+':   num = Operand1 + Operand2;  break;
        case '-':   num = Operand2 - Operand1;  break;
        case '*':   num = Operand1 * Operand2;  break;
        case '/':   if (Operand2 == 0)   return FAILURE;
                    else num = Operand2 / Operand1;  break;
        default:    return 2;
        Push(S, num);
        return SUCCESS;
    else {// T->data->tag == 1
        Push(S, T->data->Elem.Number);
        return SUCCESS;

float CalculateExpTree(BiTNode* T) {
    if (!T) return 0;
    SqStack S;
    PostorderTraverse(T, S, CalculateVisit);
    float result = 0; Pop(S, result);
    return result;

int main(){
    LinkQueue Q;
    BiTNode* T = (BiTNode*)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode));
    CreateBiTree(T, Q);
    printf("%f\n", CalculateExpTree(T));
    return 0;



+ 8 * 21.3 - 10 8


C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c (^"D:\Learning\Computer\Data-Structure\Lab\BiTree&Application\ExpressionTree.exe^" )
+ 8 * 21.3 - 10 8 #
Hit any key to close this window...
Author: CuSO4_Deposit
This article uses the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.


  1. Erik Uden
    Android Chrome
    2 years ago
    2021-12-04 10:47:19

    Wow, Depoze. This is insane. You’re completely gifted!

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