Tag: Encoding

1 Posts

What do these Mojibake mean? – UTF-8 Encoding Scheme Exploration
This article may contain horrific and gory videos. Be careful when clicking on the URLs. If you have any discomfort when browsing, please stop and leave. / 本文可能含有恐怖、血腥性质的图片、视频。请谨慎进入文中的链接。如果您在浏览过程中产生任何不适,请停止浏览并离开。 Introduction We often meet mojibake, in games, web pages, or somewhere else. UTF-8 is the most widespread encoding scheme. These days my friends @叉叉 and @北嘲 find some weird videos on YouTube, with obscure titles and terrifying cover. We are curious about the origin of these creepy videos. This article is to record our exploration process.  Some Example Videos (Click with Caution, Collapsed by default).... ø·ø ̈ùšù„ø© ... ø£øoù†ùšø© ù„ù„ø£ø·ù ø§ù„ ... ù„ùšø ̈ùšø§.. آمراة تدعى أنها السيدة مريم العذراء بأنها متزوجة من المسيح Exploration Association with encoding When @叉叉 first send me the video title (.... ø·ø ̈ùšù„ø© ... ø£øoù†ùšø© ù„ù„ø£ø·ù ø§ù„ ... ù„ùšø ̈ùšø§), it reminds me of what my misconfigured C-language IDE returns me as console error info: What the IDE returns: "²»ÊÇÄڲ¿»òÍⲿÃüÁҲ²»ÊǿÉÔËÐеijÌÐò|| »òÅú´¦ÀíÎļþ¡£" This is apparently a decoding error. Characters are all Latin Characters. Remind me of some schemes like ISO 8859-1. @叉叉…